Women's Life Group

We are women who know and love Jesus. We strive to walk with Him day by day. We want to continually grow in knowledge of our Lord, and in love with our brothers and sisters. We know even in our struggles we are always in His hands, and we have the unfailing support of each other. I don’t want to scare anyone off if it sounds too lofty. We all know that we are far from ‘there’. We have seen time and time again how Jesus supports us in our various trials and how much we all love and support each other. We depend on Him and on each other. We don’t judge, we are not always on time, we may not even do the ‘program’ if one of us is in need of support.

United Church Women

To unite women of the congregation, for the total mission of the church, and to provide a medium through which we may express our loyalty and devotion to Jesus Christ, in Christian Witness, Study, Fellowship and Service.

Ladies Night Out

Enjoy an evening of delicious food, conversation and laughter as women gather together to share their faith, learn from one-another and be inspired in their walk with the Lord. An evening you will not soon forget.

You owe it to yourself

Relationships are key in terms of developing, strengthening and sustaining your faith. Do yourself a favour; join a group today. Or, at the very least, contact us for more information. You’ll be really glad you did.



St. John United Church
195 E 38th Street
Hamilton, ON L8V 4G1

Phone: 905-387-2135
Fax: 905-387-2137

© 2024 St. John United Church.
Design: wishart.net


Our Worship Services are held Sunday's at 10:00 am.


The office is open from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Do you need assistance? Call the church office at 905-387-2135.

Get all the latest news on our upcoming events and activities: info@stjohnuc.ca